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Bar ...

Bar ...

Dinning Room...

Dinning Room...

Deluxe Room...

Deluxe Room...

Guest Hall...

Guest Hall...


Card Room

Reservation of Card room Tables:

Not more than two (2) tables in the Card Room can be reserved by a member on any working day.

Reservation must be done one day in advance and the date, time and table number can be noted at reception.

Maximum time of five (5) hours reservation will be allowed on any single day and if the reserved table is not occupied within one hour of specified time of reservation, the reservation fee will be charged to the Member who has reserved the table and the table can thereafter be occupied by any other Member(s)

The table reservation is done for five (5) hours. The reservation is reckoned from the time specified in the reservation book


Everyday, 10:00 am to 11 PM

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You are here: Facilities

EMERALD GARDEN is a boutique Club situated in the heart of Jaipur.

